Leader Award
About the Leader Award
Cap and Gown seeks to cultivate and empower women leaders by bringing together members of the Stanford community who demonstrate and/or celebrate women’s leadership. By welcoming new members to the Stanford women’s community and connecting students with one another and with alumni, faculty, and staff, Cap and Gown enables intergenerational learning about women’s leadership and fosters a supportive community for leadership learning. In addition to benefiting its members, Cap and Gown honors women’s unique role as leaders and promotes opportunities for leaders to develop, thrive, and serve within and beyond the Stanford sphere.
The Cap and Gown Leader Award recognizes outstanding student leaders at Stanford who support women's leadership and have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and service to their communities. The Cap and Gown Leader Award carries forward the illustrious history of Stanford's oldest and longest-running student group, providing a prestigious capstone to the Stanford experience. Recipients of the Leader Award gain lifetime membership to the Cap and Gown community at graduation, and beyond, joining our alumni network of 2000+ honored leaders all around the world, including Sandra Day O'Connor and Edith Mirrielees.
To be eligible for the Leader Award, you must be an active Stanford student in or above your Junior year.
Past Leader Award Events
Leader Award History
In the past, Cap and Gown actives and alumnae welcomed our newest members at Tapping Tea, held in Fall Quarter. Undergraduate juniors and seniors submit applications in the early fall, and chosen women are “tapped” at this event later in the quarter. Tapping Tea is an opportunity to get to know new and old members!
Now, Cap and Gown is open to all individuals interested — there are no tapping required to join! We also welcome all year levels, not just juniors and seniors.
View pictures of our 2015 Tapping Tea here
View pictures of our 2014 Tapping Tea here
View pictures of our 2013 Tapping Tea here
View pictures of our 2012 Tapping Tea here