Cap and Gown began its first scholarship in 1924. Presently there are seven Cap and Gown scholarships administered by Stanford University (each with its own 5-letter code). Donations to these scholarships are tax deductible.
The Cap and Gown Centennial Scholarship Fund (KASOO)
The Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund (KASOP)
The Sandra Day O’Connor Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund (KAWBP)
The Jean Galt Coblentz Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund (KBCET)
The Margaret C. Barr Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund (KAVOG)
The Rosamond Clarke Bacon Cap and Gown Undergraduate Scholarship Fund (KAVNT)
The Bettye Luhnow Bailey Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund (KAAGF)
The Mary Bailey Cranston and Susan Bailey Harnden Cap and Gown Scholarship Fund (KBCGU)
Five of these scholarships are named in honor of distinguished Cap and Gown members including Margaret Barr (an honorary member who gave great support for women’s athletics), Sandra Day O’Connor ’50 (former United States Supreme Court Justice), Rosamond Bacon ’30 (Cap and Gown contributor for over 50 years who acted as Director of Union Residence and who opened her Mayfield Avenue home for many Cap and Gown functions), Bettye Luhnow Bailey ’43 (a long-time Cap and Gown devoted contributor who was a mother to two Cap and Gown women and a grandmother to a third), and Jean Coblentz ’47 (another long-time devoted Cap and Gown contributor whose wise words impacted many: “Take a cookie when it is passed”).
All eight Cap and Gown scholarships are given to undergraduate women by Stanford University’s Office of Financial Aid. We are happy that over 150 women students have benefited from this long tradition. We invite Cap and Gown scholarship recipients to participate in various events with our Alumnae Board and actives.
To donate to one of our scholarships:
Send by mail a check made out to “Stanford University” with the name of the specific scholarship you are donating to noted on the memo line to:
Development Services
P.O. Box 20466
Stanford, CA 94309-0466
Donate to Scholarships Online via Credit Card: Click Here
Please add a note for online donations regarding your desire to direct your gift to one of the eight Cap and Gown Scholarship Funds.